Install Autodesk Revit 2019
1. 2.
Select “Configuration with Services”
Install Network License Manager (“nlm11.14.1.3_ipv4_ipv6_win64.msi”) and change “this_host” in ADESK.DAT to your hostname. Setup and start license server (LMTOOLS Utility).
Path to license file (Choose to view *dat files) and select “ADESKDAT”
Go to “Configure Services” tab and select “Path to lmgrd.exe file” to your lmgdr.exe (usually C:\Autodesk\Network License Manager\lmgdr.exe). Go to the Start/Stop/Reload tab and click Start Server (if you have problems, see ) REVIT 3.
LIC to all subfolders following the path ProgramDataAutodeskCLMLGS
2019 and select Multiple Users Select the License Server Model: Single License Server Enter “locahost” in the Server Name Revit will generate a folder ending with _2019.0.0.F located in ProgramData\Autodesk\CLMLGS Exit REVIT 20ICPA19 3. How – ProgramDataAutodeskCLMLGS128K1_2019.0.0.Flicpath.lic – ProgramDataAutodeskCLMLGS919K1_2019.0.0.Flicpath.lic 4.
Run server revitt2019crkexe 5
Start REVIT and Silecter “2019 license-u ” in the server name 6. Have fun!